Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Jedi Braden

I love playing with Photoshop although I really don't know the tricks of the trade. Most things I alter are obviously fake to anyone who looks at them - or at least I thought so! While creating Braden's Star Wars birthday invitation I quickly doctored his sucker photo to include a lblue ight saber. The image didn't make it on the invitation but I printed a copy to show Braden. He loved the photo and played with it for for a few minutes before coming to me timidly and asking (somewhat confused), "Mom - can you, um, get me, um, my REAL blue light saber ?"

Jedi Braden

The invitation I had fun creating.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Its Curtains for Me!

Decorato-phobe that I am, I was finally brave enough to put up (and by that I mean ask Aaron to put up) cutains in our bedroom. We learned that one of our windows is hung on a pretty significant slant and had to break some hanging rules in order to attach to studs but overall it was great fun and I really enjoy having them. In about 3 months I will be brave enough to add pictures to the walls!

First Snow Fall

Aaron has been telling Braden that his birthday would come after it snowed. Well then I guess Braden can finally turn 4!

Braden and Tyler having a snowball fight.

My Cute Kids

Isn't it funny how cute your kids can be togehter UNTIL you get out your camera? Here was my attempt to capture Braden and Cailin at play.

The Halloween Buzz

We won the Buzz war! Braden was Buzz for every Halloween event he attended - and there were a TON. I had no idea we would be asking so much of that pooor little costume!

We started off festivities by attending a library program. Braden got to dress up as a chainsaw guy for one song. When the lead singer askied Braden how it was - he said "too long."

Next we attended Boo atht eZoo. It was insanely busy last year so we got there bright and early - ready to deal with the crowds. This year, however, the only real line we waited in was to get into the park! Hooray for threatening storms that don't deliver but scare everyone else away!

The empty zoo!

Our adorable Zebra or White Tiger - however you choose to see it.

Boo at the Zoo is so fun that even Santa breaks away to attend.

At a farm celebration, Braden jumped in a bounce house and played games. We had some excellent apple cider, the best kettle corn ever (Aaron even ate it - and if you know how much he hates mixing salty and sweet you KNOW it was good) and some fun garlic fries. Braden sat on Aaron's shoulders to watch "The Great Pumpkin" until Cailin turned into a pumpkin and it was time to go home.

At the ward Halloween party we sat by the Bowers and Braden had fun doing a cake walk and trick or treating. Everyone else had fun borrowing his buzz gun.

As I dropped Braden off for his preschool Halloween party I shed a few tears. He is growing up so quickly. Near the end of their time parents were invited to see a song and dance? performance. Braden did a great job of making faces on queue but no one did a better job of rattling their bones than Tyler.

On the Friday night before Halloween we attended a Gymboree party. Cailin went as an observer but in the end she had a much fun as anyone. She loved watching the kids in costume and did her best to dance to the music while Braden did crafts and ran around on the equipment.

Braden with his favorite teacher - Heather and her pirate boys.

At the aquarium Braden LOVED their haunted rainforest with its dark alleys and strobe light graveyard. We walked thru it over and over again until someone finally told us he could make a ghost sucker at their ship area. After that we listened to some fun stories a few times and watched the ray feeding. The octopus was even feeling festive - climbing down and up his glass a few times for us to see.

Halloween night we all went trick or treating with the Nelsons (Elijah, Enoch and Noah), Wikers (Alex, Jacob and Spencer) and Bowers (Jack). The kids had a ton of fun running as fast as they could from house to house until there was a casualty and were required to just walk quickly. The other boys Braden's age eventually got too tired to walk but Braden's only complaint was that his arms weren't strong enough to hold his candy bag after an hour and a half. ANd as if that weren't enough fun - the Nelsons invited us over for Texas Roadhouse takeout and games and Bradengot to stay up 3 hours past his bedtime! As we walked hom he told me that it wad been the best day ever!

The trick or treaters - Buzz Braden, Pirate Enoch, Knight Noah, Race Car Driver Elijah, GI Joe Alex and Jack the Dinosaur.

The fun run before the fall!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Paul's Party

I have a new coworker that I am really excited about. I have to admit that it is partly that he is Jewish and doesn't mind covering call on Christmas - but more than that - he is an excellent worker, easy to get along with and does a great job of helping bring us all together at the office. Most recently he brought everyone together for his 50th birthday party. It was a really nice evening. Everyone took turns holding Cailin so it was an EASY night for me and Aaron. And spending time with my coworkers has made my upcoming transition back to work less dreadful. Thanks, Paul!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Free Food

Every Wednesday morning I can't wait to get up and check out the new deals on the Grocey Smarts website. It is So fun to get everything we need and spend only a fraction of what I usaed to. But even though I have been saving this way for a while now, this week's deals still BLEW me away!

FREE (no strings attached) Stuff this week: 1 box of corn flakes, 4 jars of roiasted peanuts, 7 packs of microwave popcorn and 8 microwaveable meals! WOW!

Decorating Pumpkins

On Monday night we decorated our first pumpkins as a family. (I use the term family loosely since Aaron was nearby watching Cailin but it was really Braden and I decorating). We bought some sheets of foam sticker paper. I cut out the shapes we needed and Braden put them on the pumpkins with a little (ok - maybe a bit more than a little) guidance. This is how they turned out:

Pumpkins in ordcer: Natalie's, Cailin's, Aaron's and Braden's

Credit Card Fraud - Take 3.

A few years ago the bank called me asking if if there was any chance Aaron had abandoned our marriage and was in Mexico spending over $1k at a store called "Mr Tennis." Since he had only left for work a few hours earlier I assured them it wasn't particularly likely :). We got the money back, changed credit card number and hoped we were done. Well, 2 frauds later I am guessing that we will never be done. Unfortunately our card doesn't seem to understand the "dont' talk to strangers" concept. I certainly hope we are better at teaching our kids!

Charming the Roosendaals

On our mountain walks we see a lot of people we don’t know but we finally ran into some that we DO – the Roosendaals. Lori is Aaron’s half aunt? (Lynn’s half sister) that we don’t see very often. Her youngest son will be leaving for a mission in Rancagua, Chile next week (the lower half of my mission) so they invited us to dinner last Sunday to catch up. Aaron talked to the men about politics and military. I talked to the women about movies, family history, food and Chile (you don’t have to twist my arm to talk about Chile!) Cailin was a bit cranky but everyone still thought she was beautiful and took turns holding her so I got a lovely break. And Braden – the favorite of all – charmed everyone but especially Grammy Pat and the younger women with good behavior and his way of matter-of-factly stating things such as “Hmmm … (noticing that his place at the adult table had a full set of silverware) they don’t USUALLY let me have a knife at the table because I shouldn’t really be cutting things.”

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Parker Birthday Bash

My parents decided to try to make their birthday gifts to their adult children more personal so they asked those of us that live close to choose a fun family activity rather than a physical present. We loved that idea and made the most of it on Saturday, October 17th combining both Aaron’s and my belated birthday celebrations into one fun day. (Yes – we have had trouble scheduling SEVERAL things – not just the Austin’s coming to dinner…) For my part of the celebration my parents picked us up and we all drove down to Provo to take a 1 hour photography class from Leah Wright – one of my favorite local photographers. She did a GREAT job giving us a succinct lesson that everyone thought was very easy to understand. She gave us tips on an inexpensive lens that will allow us to take photos with less flash indoors and create the look I love with eyes crisp and backgrounds faded out. I am seriously considering following up with her Photoshop class when I can fit it in – so sometime in 2011 perhaps!

After class ended, we drove to Los Hermanos and had a delicious early dinner before heading to the Dinosaur Museum for Aaron’s part of the birthday. (My dad had never been so it was Aaron’s goal to get him there one way or another!) Although my dad ended up touring it mostly by himself as the rest of us were stuck at the water table we all had fun doing what we loved.

Braden and Cailin at the photo class. We still have a lot to work on to master the techniques she taught but it was a fun start. You can visit her website at

Christensen Campfire Roast

On Friday, October 16 we left as soon as Aaron got off work to drive to the Heber area and meet Grandma and Grandpa Christensen at their campsite for a hot dog and marshmallow roast. The area was beautiful – even more so because we took a wrong turn and ended up driving thru the fall colors in the mountains a bit longer than we were supposed to. The food was fabulous. I had never had hotdogs with just mustard and onions before but I LOVED them. Braden got to roast his own marshmallow for the first time and actually did a really good job. And I even remembered to get out the camera! The evening ended sooner than I would have liked but then I guess getting kids to bed IS eventually necessary!

Posh campers: Simba, Cailin and Grandma

Braden perfectly toasting his marshmellow without making it all sticky which he thinks is gross.

Bumbo Princess

We bought Cailin a Bumbo so that she can sit up and look around until she can actually sit up and look around in about 2 months. If that seems like a waste you either don't have kids, you've never had one that wants to be held all the time, or you have some secret you need to share with us! The Bumbo works pretty well but the best thing is that Aaron thinks it is hillarious. Cailin usually has this serious expression that reminds him of a mini princess scrupulously surveying her kingdom from her throne nad ordering her serfs around. We laugh and laugh at that "silly anaolgy" until she decides she wants out and then we go back to running in circles to keep her happy .... :)

The little princess

Lunch with the Austins

You know when you dream that you are running but your legs feel like they are moving thru tar? Some things in life just seem to work that way. We had been trying to have the Austin family over for dinner since April I think. Between the remodel, Chani having her baby, us having Cailin and a million other little events it seemed like it was never going to happen. Even this month it looked like we were going to have to put it off again until we decided it just HAD do it at all costs. To make it work, the Austins raced to our house between Craig’s morning meeting and Brynn’s afternoon dance recital (1 ½ hrs of driving!) We fed them a hurried garlic burger lunch (YUM!) on the deck in the freezing wind with all of the kids teeth chattering and several of them begging to be excused so they could go inside and get warm. After finishing the food I got to spend a few minutes with Chani (showing her the house) and Aaron and Craig played a game of pool. Then I realized that they were going to be late so we stuffed them with a few brownies and hurried them out the door – causing them to forget their baby blanket. I can't believe they were willing to do all of that but I am so thankful. It was fun to see them and in the end life may have gotten in a few punches but WE WON!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Books to Africa

A week ago an empty post office box showed up on my kitchen counter - evidently to be filled and sent to Africa. That night Aaron and I de-junked our book collection and easily filled the box until it was over flowing. We debated whether sending heavy, used books in English would really be as useful as giving $20 toward buying books for school children ... but in the end the donation was VERy helpfup to us. Now I can fit all of my most important and loved books in one large bookcase which makes me SO happy and puts me one step closer to being organized!

Extreme Story Makeover

Even though I know that having a baby changes everything I really didn’t expect Cailin’s birth to alter the storyline of our favorite fairy tales – but it did. I am not a person that can feed a baby and read a book at the same time, so since Braden wanted me to read to him I started telling stories from memory while Cailin ate. At first it bothered Braden when I didn’t remember the stories perfectly but then he decided that changing the stories was a great idea – only HE needed to be in control. Now he will ask me to tell him the story of the Three Little Javelinas (Arizona’s version of the Three Little Pigs) and every few minutes he will redirect what happens. Sometimes the Javelinas go their separate ways to build their houses. Other times they all go together. Sometimes the Coyote chases them but other times it’s just the wind that knocks their houses down. When the coyote IS in the story, sometimes he is conquered by the Javelinas and vanishes in a puff of smoke – other times he decides to be good at the end (like Darth Vader) and they all sit around singing and playing the guitar. Even though it can be a little tiring having to think of ways to weave his ideas into the story it has become a really fun thing we share that I hope I never forget.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Healthy Snacks at Preschool?

We knew Braden would get some sugary snacks at preschool, so the other day when he brought home a red sucker I wasn’t surprised – I just asked him what flavor it was. He looked around thoughtfully and told me it was probably tomato – maybe with a little chocolate. After a good few minutes laughing at his crazy creativity I thought to myself – “well, at least I can pretend they are giving him vegetables!”


Braden in Bloom

Braden started preschool this fall and had his first ever field trip to Engh Gardens. What happened there? I am not really clear on that. I know he came home with a decorated pumpkin but when I ask him what they did he just says “I don’t know …”

Braden truly excited to do something or other on his fieldtrip.

Goggles and GG

Fun: watching Braden grow up and get excited for things like Halloween. Not so Fun: Braden changing his mind every few days about what he wants to BE for Halloween. He has rotated between wanting to be a Jedi because of the cool light saber, a Jawa because of the cool gun, and Batman because Braden just thinks he is cool. Unfortunately he NEVER rotated thru wanting to be Buzz Lightyear – the costume we HAVE for him which fits him perfectly and will never fit again after this year. Never, that is, until we cleverly took a drive to the Disney Store and got him a COOL pair of Buzz Lightyear light up goggles that he will get to use with the COOL light up gun Grandma and Grandpa Christensen brought him from Disneyland a few years back. What’s more – GG (Great Grandma Yonally) lives just a few blocks away from the Disney Store so we got to surprise her with a visit.

Picture Perfect

Anyone who really knows me knows that I have no taste. In the past I have left my walls blank because I know whatever I put up will probably look bad and have to come down – leaving a hole in the wall. Once we finished the home remodel I felt compelled to hang pictures but even more afraid of messing up the perfect paint. Solution: Command picture hanging strips. I still think forever about everything I hang but now I know that if I need to take it down – I can – without even leaving a mark on the wall! Thank you 3M!

Arizona water - upstairs bathroom

Food Storage Makeover

A few weeks ago Aaron tore out the old shelves in our cold room and I put up the ones that I got for my birthday. I love them. Not only do I have more shelving space – but the shelves aren’t as deep so I can access everything on them. One more step toward my goal of having every door and drawer open to an organized space :). (Granted there are about 1,000 steps left but hey – a step is a step!)

New cold room shelves - Natalie's birthday 2009

Rolling shelves in laundry room - Natalie's birthday 2008

Monday, October 19, 2009

Saturday Hikes

Most Saturday mornings we go for a family hike. Hiking may not sound like something you can do with a 3 year old and 3 month old but then what we do probably wouldn’t be considered hiking to most people :). Aaron has found several short trails in the canyons close to our house that are stroller accessible and we just enjoy the beautiful scenery at Braden’s pace. When we started it was just fun to look at the streams, trees and rocks. Now with the fall colors there are countless other families getting pictures taken so we usually stop to watch and get some pointers. A few weekends ago Aaron and Braden even ran into the Roosendaal Family - some of Aaron's relatives that we hadn't seen for a while. I had no idea that hiking could be so relaxing, educational and social all at the same time!

Aaron and Braden climbing rocks at Temple Quarry Trail.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Cornbelly's with Sarah and Tyler

On September 26th we nephew-napped Tyler and went to Cornbelly's at Thanksgiving Point. Tyler and Braden had great fun covering eachother in the corn pit, follwing eachother thru the kids corn maze and jumping on the huge bouncing pillows. (By the way, I thought those would be fun to own so I checked them out when I got home - the cheapest, smallest one is over $12k! OUCH!) When Sarah could break free she met us there. With her we all shot pumpkin cannons, rode a very uncomfortable train and drank slushy drinks in the shade of a tent. We were so glad she could make it! The next time Braden goes he wants to take Auntie Sarah again so that they can use her phone to light up the dark hay bale maze. We love you Auntie Sarah!
Aaron, Tyler and Braden jumping on the medium sized pillow

Braden watching Sarah and Tyler demolishing a pumpkin

Jason Turns 25 Again!

Many of you know that my father has turned 39 over and over again. The fact that I am 38 makes this very interesting :). But is Jason now trying to hang onto his youth, too? No. I just got it wrong last year. Evidently he is really 25 this time. And of course I didn't get a photo. Early New Year's resolution - I am going to remember to get the camera out when we spend wtime with the Christensen and Parker sides of the family! (I often forget because we see them both so regularly).

Toyfest with the Nelsons

We had the Nelson family over for dinner a few Saturdays ago. We ate bacon-wrapped turkey kabobs and Aaron and I talked to Rene and CoreyEllen while the boys (Braden, Elijah, Enoch and Noah) played with toys. It was a really nice evening and we enjoyed their company so much that none of us noticed what was going on. When the Nelsons decided it was time to go we found the boys surrounded by an explosion of toys. There was toy debrtis all over the house. No photo could do it justice but I took one anyway because I thought it was hillarious.

Noah, Elijah, Braden and Enoch - don't try this at home - they are professionals!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Grocery Smarts

Sometime in August I attended a homemaking meeting geared to help everyone save money. Erin Ruy taught us about the grocery smart method. Her husband has been out of work for 6 months and they are still solvent because of savings and pinching their pennies. I asked her how much she spends on groceries each week - $50 maximum - one week she only spent $3!

I love a good challenge so I decided to try to match her. I haven't succeeded even once but I come really close most weeks and am adding to my food storage as I go. I only buy the foods I normally buy (except when a new food is a screaming deal - then we try it) and between the few stores that are close I find most items on sale. (Erin only shops at one store per week.)

What kind of deals have I gotten? Canned beans and corn for 26 cents each (compared to 78 cents each at Sams). $20 of free Kraft foods (though I couldn't find exactly what I wanted and just ended up with a year's supply of Mac 'n Cheese). And on Thursday I got 3 lbs of chicken free at Smiths.

If anyone is interested in know more, please contact me. I would be happy to give you any tips I have found. Or you can go to and enter the code g84cer. The website is free. They do recommend that you subscribe to the paper to collect coupons but I have found that if you shop at Smiths the only coupons provided by Grocery Smarts are usually just as good. (Smiths is the only one I have found to consistenly accept the, though. You can also check out deals on

Happy Saving!

Cailin's Blessing

Cailin was blessed on Sunday, September 13th at our ward. My father performed the lessing with Aaron, Ben and several of our ward friends in the circle. The word that kept coming up for her was joy. She will find joy in her life and be a joy to those around her - and of course she already is!

Our happy family

Cousin Abby holding Cailin

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Bubble Camp

During the entire summer, Braden attended bubble camp at Gymboree once a week for a 3 hour class. When we switched him from Thursdays to Wednesdays (from music to art day) the art projects started flooding in. Braden also started asking to stay for aports class afterward since all of the other kids in Wednesday class did. So, by the end, he was gone for over 4 hours at a time and even then didn’t really want to come home. Something tells me that there will be no tears when he starts Kindergarten in a few years!

A life size scuba-braden with his other oart projects.

Visit from Grandma Guthrie

Grandma Guthrie came up for a visit during the last week of July. She stayed with us for 2 days before heading down to Provo to spend time with GG (Great Grandma Yonally), Kathy and Caroline. We took her to play group at the park where she climbed trees with Braden and of course we stopped at Sweet Afton’s for some licorice. Since everyone likes the black licorice pipes and Loyce loves to share, she bought all the pipes Sweet AFton's had in stock. Next time (particularly for her Christmas visit when there are 20+ people who want pipes) we are going to give them a little notice and ask them to special order an entire box for us.

Grandma Guthrie and Braden in their tree fort.

24th of July Friends

On July 24th Aaron took Braden to see the Bountiful parade with Mike, Becca, Anna, Adam, Grandma and Grandpa Parker. I stayed home with Cailin because she had a low grade fever (99.6) – not something to be concerned about after 2 months, but before that a fever of 100.4 would have meant a 10 night hospital stay for her. I think everyone enjoyed the parade but Anna and Braden particularly enjoyed each other's company. It was really fun to watch them together while Mike and Becca were here for a visit. Braden learned to play Pet Shop with Anna. She conceded and played dinosaur dog (dino from the flintstones) several times with Braden. They really become fast friends. After the evening, there were a few things that were talked about several times. First some excitement when a fire engine left the route or had to cross the route to help someone (since I wasn't there I was never clear on this). And second that Anna and Braden rode an enclosed ferris wheel by themselves! That is surprising for Braden but even more so for Anna. I guess everything is easier when you get to do it with a friend.

Anna and Braden at the Bountiful Parade

Braden with another close friend...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Disney Days

July 21st we took Tyler to Disney Days at the Gallivan center. Initially the boys wanted to go to the Dinosaur Museum but we taliked them into the Gallivan Center with the lure of possibly seeing a Disney Character. The boys got their faces painted - Braden as a tiger and Tyler as a leopard. They jumped in a bounce house, played games to win prizes and rode a fun train that gave them a train whistle. Did they meet Mickey Mouse? No. Evidently this event is so named because Radio Disney is one of its many sponsors and the name "American Family Insurance Days" just won't bring the kids in droves.

Afterwards Tyler and Braden still wanted to go to the Dinosaur Museum so we did. (We actually go there all the time since we bought season passes, we just don’t really mention it anymore.) Did they see dinosaurs? Yes :).

Monday, September 21, 2009

Parade Float Preview

On July 20th we went to see the parade float preview at the South Town Expo center. We saw floats with animals, animation and even toys but the one the kids loved the most had 3 couples dancing on it. When we had seen all of the floats (and pretty much torn them away from the dancing one), Braden waited in line and got his face painted like spiderman while Tyler, Anna and Adam got twisted balloons. When we met up with them again, Grandma had a balloon sword for Braden, too, so a lot of running, pretend fighting and animal rescuing ensued. Even when Braden ran face first into a tall square garbage can, the play paused for about 30 seconds and then just kept going. Kids + open spaces = FUN!


Left to Right: Adam, Tyler, Braden adn Anna

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Fair Day for the Zoo and Training Table?

On July 18th Aaron took Braden to the Children’s fair (I stayed home with Cailin to keep her out of the heat this time). WE had been a few years ago at the tail end and loved it so we are going to try to catch it every year from now on. There are train rides, crafts, and all sorts of fun and it is, of course, free to the public. This year Braden met several costume characters and built his own toolbox from wood at the home depot tent. Next they met Grandma and Grandpa Christensen at the Zoo for ice block day. I hear the ice blocks weren't that great this year but it was all made up for when Grandma bought Braden a snow cone!
Then they met Cailin and I at Training Table to eat lunch with Mike and Beccca who had come in town to celebrate the 24th. What a busy but fun day! (By the way, I am a hickory burger girl, how about you?)
Braden hammering his tool box together

Braden with the Bees Mascot

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

This is the place - for popsicles

Sometime in mid July (forgive my lack of memory - I was more than a little sleep deprived at the time) we went to the This is the Place State Park for a special event day. Although the employees didn’t seem to know much about what was going on, we eventually stumbled into lots of free fun to be had. There were bounce houses to heat you up and cold water and popsicles to cool you down. There was even a magic show if you wanted to sit under a tent. Because of the heat we didn't stay long for Cailin's sake but it was great while it lasted.

4th of July Fireworks

On the 4th of July we celebrated Cailin's one week birthday by walking to the Wyker's - some friends a few blocks away - and watching the most spectacular home fireworks display I have ever seen. Several men and boys (all acting like boys) kept at least 3 fireworks going non-stop for 45 minutes! With those and the occasional illegal firework that burst above us from somewhere nearby (not sure where but we have a guess) it felt like we had gone to Sugarhouse Park by the time we were done! Braden absolutely loved the evening. He got to drink his own full can of lemonade, held his first sparklers and spent time with the Wyker’s son, Alex – a new favorite friend. Cailin, on the other hand, just took a really nice long nap. A great evening for all.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Baby Blues

Even though we had heard that every child is different, we still prepared our world for Cailin as if we were expecting Braden again. I got extra burp cloths, prepared the swing and backup swing, made sure there was a path for Aaron to walk the baby at night without falling over anything, etc :). Needless to say, Cailin is her own little girl. She doesn't usually need to be walked at night, isn't a real fan of swings and somehow keeps her food inside her. What does she like? Staring. As a mom, the thing I can often do that makes her the happiest is to stare into her eyes. Motherhood ... what a tough, tough job.

The beautiful blue eyes with long, curly lashes that stare back at me for up to 50 minutes at a time (no exaggeration!)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Birthday Thoughts (The Delivery Story)

Baby Center recommends that you go to the hospital when your contractions are about 5 minutes apart, 60 seconds long AND impossible to ignore (meaning you can't talk thru them, etc.) Althought this really is great advice, my personal recommendation might be to go a little earlier. Don't feel like you have to read this - I didn't really want to be part of it either but since I had to, here were my thoughts that day:

Saturday, June 27 (Cailin's actual due date)

7am - up - some contractions - irregular - must be Braxton Hicks. Heard that if you do things they go away. Need to do something.

8am - at Zoo for early member day. Beautiful day with some cloud cover. Watch a woodrat eat its breakfast, feed birds, walk around. Slightly stronger contractions than when I woke up. Hope these don't last for two weeks.

11am - tired of walking - nine months pregnant after all.

Noon - home. Rats - contractions didn't go away. If I sit and pay attention to them I will probably go insaane. How about a movie?

1pm - at the movie "Up" with a sandwich and butterfinger milk shake. Contractions? Probably but I have a movie and a milkshake to focus on. Much too busy to notice if they ar getting worse or more regular. Hooray for distraction.

3pm - home - laying down with Braden for his nap. Contractions seem longer and more regular. Should probably time them at some point.

4pm - ok fine. I'd guess they are about 5 minutes apart but they aren't 60 seconds long and they aren't all-consuming. But still, maybe Aaron should time them.

4:45pm - Aaron thinks they are about 5 minutes apart and 30-40 seconds long. Bright idea - shower. Have heard that a shower will stop them.

5:15pm - no more hot water. Feel great. Contractions even easier to ignore in the shower. Must be stopping.

5:30pm - Christensens are here to take us to dinner. Chatting. Can't focus on the conversation because of these darn contractions that are back now. Hmmm - maybe we should time these again.

6pm - Dinner isn't going to happen unles we stop by the hospital first. Contraction are about 40-50 seconds long and about 3-4 minutes apart. Christensens pack up Braden. Aaron packs me into the car.

6:45pm - hospital to be checked out. Can't ignore contractions but doing ok so far. Dilated to a 5. Wow. I am actually going to go into labor naturally. Both happy and sad about that. I guess we really won't get to go to dinner.

7:15 - labor and delivery room. Feel ok. Don't need epidural. Am a rock. I can do this.

7:25 - Oh the PAIN! Need epidural NOW. Why isn't everyone jumping to give me an epidural since I just asked for one 30 seconds ago?

7:30 - contractions every 2 minutes and 80-90 seconds long. Is that normal? Cailin's heartrate is dropping significantly with each contraction. Nurse concerned - means I am either about to give birth OR that Cailin is in distress. Probably need to do C section. That means spinal block not epidural. FINE - just put me out!

7:45 - Room empty except for Aaron. Docs conferring about my emergency c section somewhere else. Wait - I think that contraction was a pushing one. Get someone now!

7:48 - Aaon back alone. He told them but they didn't come. This contraction is DEFINITELY pushing. Notice Aaron running out again.

7:50 - People yelling for me not to push. (Do they know that pushing is kind of involuntary???) I am dilated to a 7 and pushing will rip my uterus. Perhaps they should that to my uterus!

7:55 - Need to break my water. Where in the world are the drugs? Can't we wait for the drugs??? No of course not - evidently this anesthesiologist doesn't like delivering anesthesia. I hate everyone.

8:00 - A new voice with an accent- evidently a doctor finally. Only a few minutes later and - tells me I am dilated to a 10 and she sees the head. No time to wait for drugs - baby coming now. Time to push after all. (Can they make up their minds???)

8:05 - Another miserable contraction (have been wanting to die for 40 minutes now) Finally get to push with it. Halfway thru push they tell me to stop again. What is it this time??? Oh - Cailin is here!

One of the most miraculous events of my life - and it only took half a push :)

Friday, July 10, 2009

Cailin Anne Christensen

Cailin Anne Christensen
Saturday, June 27
8 lbs 6 oz
21 1/2 inches

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Lucky 7

Is seven really lucky? I don't know. But I am due in 7 days - June 27. Does that mean I will have the baby by then? My prediction is no. I predict I will go into labor on July 2nd, but if I don't, I will be induced on July 4th most likely. Most people can't believe I am willing to wait an extra week but I have to say this pregnancy has been pretty easy. I am one of the lucky ones. I don't get most of the symptoms that everyone else does. After learning that the "comfy chair" was inherently evil I have even fewer aches and pains than I did with Braden. The baby herself is also so mild. She is calm and lets me sleep at night. When I push on her little feet she pulls them in. A pretty good house guest over all. Perhaps I will let her stay a bit longer. After all, I haven't finished washing the car seat yet!


OK - so I haven't wanted to talk too much about the remodel we have been doing but I think I finally can because it is virtually over now. It started in March and now with one week left we finally have our house to ourselves with only a few projects left to do. (Aaron is installing a few new door knobs as I type.)
Most of the work was fixing flaws in the house: the ceiling crack that got worse when we added the garage roof, the many holes in the wall from places that mirrors had been removed and carpet had been taken off, black cracks in ceiling tiles in the basement .... the list goes on forever. Of the more noticeable changes: we removed the hot pink carpet from its last holdouts, all of the mirror tiles on the walls, replaced the case and base for a more updated look, painted almost the entire home, covered the strange black tile in the entry with travertine and completely gutted and redid our upstairs bath. Here are some photos of before and afters:

Upstairs bath before

Upstairs bath after

The color of the travertine in the photo is a bit dark. We used the same tile for the entry way.The stairs before - a great example of the mirrors, hot pink carpet and occasionally carpeted walls.

The stairs now - tan carpet with shaker beige walls, espresso doors and white trim

Braden's half of the room

The new baby's half of the room (this is the best photo of the wall color)