Thursday, September 24, 2009

24th of July Friends

On July 24th Aaron took Braden to see the Bountiful parade with Mike, Becca, Anna, Adam, Grandma and Grandpa Parker. I stayed home with Cailin because she had a low grade fever (99.6) – not something to be concerned about after 2 months, but before that a fever of 100.4 would have meant a 10 night hospital stay for her. I think everyone enjoyed the parade but Anna and Braden particularly enjoyed each other's company. It was really fun to watch them together while Mike and Becca were here for a visit. Braden learned to play Pet Shop with Anna. She conceded and played dinosaur dog (dino from the flintstones) several times with Braden. They really become fast friends. After the evening, there were a few things that were talked about several times. First some excitement when a fire engine left the route or had to cross the route to help someone (since I wasn't there I was never clear on this). And second that Anna and Braden rode an enclosed ferris wheel by themselves! That is surprising for Braden but even more so for Anna. I guess everything is easier when you get to do it with a friend.

Anna and Braden at the Bountiful Parade

Braden with another close friend...

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