Sunday, April 20, 2008


You gnawed thru several couches
Pulled out chunks of our new rug
You made our lawn all lumpy
with the counless times you dug

You bit a can of shaving cream
which blew up on the spot
You chewed our wall to see if you
could find a laser "dot"

The massive holes you left did
truly shock me in the start -
But now you're gone, its NO surprise
a void has filled my heart

In parting I would like to say
I miss you my dear friend.
And given but the chance -
I'd let you chew it all again!

In loving memory of Oso

January 2000 - April 2008

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Little Lambs

It clearly would not be a weekend in the Aaron Christensen hoursehold if we didn't spend time looking at some type of mammal or fish. Last weekend we went to Wheeler farm where we fed ducks (shock ans surprise) and visited all of the baby animals. Out of the cows, pigs, horses, rabbits, etc. Braden connected the most with this little lamb. He tried to connect with the farmyard cat - but fortunately for that feline he was unsuccessful!

Lashes I Love!

One of the many wonderful things about having a child is getting to see how the family genes mix to produce such a beautiful creature. (Yes, of course I am biased.) At this point I think he will have my mother's blue- grey eyes, Aaron's father's fuill blond hair, Aaron's mother's cute nose and my father's dimple in the chin. All features I love in both their original owners and in him. But the one feature for which I have a twinge of jealousy is the Christensen lashes. Full and long - if I had those I might take the time to put on mascara - or perhaps I wouldn't even have to!