Saturday, October 24, 2009

Bumbo Princess

We bought Cailin a Bumbo so that she can sit up and look around until she can actually sit up and look around in about 2 months. If that seems like a waste you either don't have kids, you've never had one that wants to be held all the time, or you have some secret you need to share with us! The Bumbo works pretty well but the best thing is that Aaron thinks it is hillarious. Cailin usually has this serious expression that reminds him of a mini princess scrupulously surveying her kingdom from her throne nad ordering her serfs around. We laugh and laugh at that "silly anaolgy" until she decides she wants out and then we go back to running in circles to keep her happy .... :)

The little princess


Jackee said...

I kind of want one. It does seem kind of strange though since I've made it through six children without one. They do seem very convenient and nice to have...I guess we'll see.

Amy and Mike said...

Being a mother of six I also did not need one.. Kyra has her bothers that love to hold her, I however I'm surprised that she can even sit up by herself, because she is always held.