Braden, sitting-a-spell with a Gardner Village Witch.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
The Sleepover Reciprocates
While he was gone, Aaron and I did a corn maze and went out to dinner (brining home fresh salsa - yay!) We ran out of time to sit in the massage chairs at Brookstone (one of my new favorite date activities) but it was still wonderful. And to top it off, when we picked Braden up on Saturday, he told us in no uncertain terms that he wanted us to go away and leave him there. It is so nice knowing that Braden had even more fun than we did! Thanks Auntie Sarah and Uncle Brandon!
Jason Turns 25
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Weekend Getaway
We forgot our camera so this is my best effort to capture the fire display provided by Danny as dinner entertainment. In actuality, the flame might have been a bit smaller but the BBQ was much more impressive!
The Healing Field
Just a few of the flags at teh Sandy, Uta Healing Field
Gymbo Turns 2!
Braden and Gymbo. BFF (or at least until the sugar rush was over...)
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Braden the Brute
A Room with a View
Destruction of Tip Tip Dig Dig
Braden's First Sleepover
Tyler Tyranasaurus and Braden Brontosaurus on the leopards at the Hogle Zoo Wild Animal Carousel.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Big Boy Bed
Decoraing his new room has been a challenge (mostly because I am design-inept) but after ordering the quilt set he chose, it feels like we are going in a fun direction. (Yes - he chose it. I did only offer him two options, both of which I approved of, but he DID choose this one.)
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Christensen Family Vacation at Bear Lake
Balloon Festival
The Fairest of Them All
Shakespearean Festival with Christensen Family
Parker Family Vacation
The onlye family photo with Braden looking at the camers: from left to right in family gruops - Sarah, Brandon and Tyler, Dad, Becca, Adam Mike and Anna, Becky, Ashlee, Jere and Nick, Mom, Kim, Max, Abby, Bena dn jack, Natalier, Aaron and Braden.
Braden, 2 years 10 months
4th of July - Another First
Braden eating his first otter pop at the Centerville 4th of July parade - cousin Abby in the background watching for more candy.
Visit from Stephanie and Tate
Cleveland Trip - Stops
After so many things to see and do, Braden took a needed rest with Granda on a Chicago bench before going to the Museum of Natural History.
The Museum of Natural History - Chicago on the way home
Posing with Lincoln in Wyoming.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Cleveland Trip - Family Tour
The entire gang at Cleveland Zoo - Aaron, Becky, Nick, Jere, Braden and Ashlee
Ashlee and Jere on the teeter totter at the Jerish Communicty Center
Becky and Jere - taking advantage of the cold evening
Mike, Becca, Anna and Adam
Loyce's return flight from the graduation was delayed by weather and I wondered if she would be ready to set out for Independence, KY to see my brother, Mike, and his family. Fortunately for me, Loyce is always up for an adventure and just hours after she finally got back to us, we took off again. We met Mike and Becca at the Newport Aquarium which is now my favorite aquarium. It was well designed for children 4 amazing fish tunnels. We even got to see a shark feeding. I was thrilled to be able to stay at their lovely home which I had never seen before. WE visited their local park in the evening and had amazing bagels for breakfast (I forgot to mention those in the food tour entry!).
Braden and Anna playing hide and seek from the camera
Anna about to race up the ladder
Baby Adam and his beautiful blue eyes
We only intended to see Becky once when we originally made our plans, but decided it would save us some time to stay at their house after Aaron's last day of class. It was so much fun for me to get to see Becky's house, too - with the lovely mural she painted for Nick's room and to appreciate what she means when she tells me it is tiny. (Good things come in small packages, right?)
Theresaand Kumeresh (and pets)
The weather kept us from seeing Theresa, Aaron's cousin, on the way to Cleveland, but we were determined to see her on the way back. Staying with Becky put us just a few hours ahead of the game on our return trip and made all of the difference for us to get spend a little awake time with Theresa and Kumeresh. Their house in Wellington, Colorado was lovely and I was very envious of their 3 bedrooms on eone floor and completely unfinished basement. Braden loved their dog and cats. They were the perfect hosts - even insisting on cooking us pancakes at 4am the next day so that we could have breakfast before we left. Watch out Theresa - we might just drop in more often!
Our 3am chef, Theresa!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Cleveland Trip - The Food Tour
I realize ordering popcorn sounds easy. Well, so is reading signs for most other people But unfortunately this is me we are talking about. Lets see if you can spot our mistakes before I point them out.
1 - Loyce and I entered the popcorn place and stood trying to figure out what we were supposed to order.
MISTAKE: Never enter a popcorn place BEFORE you have decided what you want. Don't know what your options are? Too bad. You are in Chicago now. Remember the soup nazzi? Enough said.
2 - We satarted to ask questions about Chicago style popcorn and whether there was toffee popcorn but became very confused when the person who was supposed to be helping us folded her arms and refused to look at us or talk to us anymore.
MISTAKE: Never enter a popcorn place BEFORE you have decided what you want. Never Never Never.
3 - Loyce ordered a tin of popcorn and I ended up getting another fellow to say they would get me what I wanted. As it turned out I wanted nothing because that is what I got. Loyce, on the other hand, got her tin but didn't wait in the right place for her change.
MISTAKE: Not telepathic? Popcorn probably isn't for you.
As it turns out, Chicago style popcorn is a mix of a great caramel corn and cheese popcorn. Doesnt' sound good, does it? Well, it is. Even Aaron could see why people would like it (and YES that was after actually tried it.). My only complaint is that the cheese popcorn is covered with so much brigh orange cheesy butter that it is really EASY to walk a few blocks in Chicago with it all over your face before your mother-in-law bursts out laughing at you. Well, at least it is easy for people who can't read signs or order popcorn.
Cleveland Trip - the Hotels Tour
The hotel that suited us the best was the Residence Inn where we stayed for the 2 weeks that Aaron was in class in Cleveland. There we had 2 bedrooms, a kitchen, dining area and living room - keeping us a little safer from censure during naptime.
But the most interesting hotel by far, was the one we found at the end of our first long day (see earlier blog) at a Colorado resort. The area was beautiful - set in the mountains surrounded by snow capped pine trees with a lovely view of a frozen lake. And although the hotel was older, when we went inside we were amazed to find a beautiful gas fireplace. So why "interesting" and not "amazing"? Simple, I averaged the thoughts I had about it that night. I thought it was amazing when I first saw the gas fireplace. I thought it was interesting when I turned up the thermostat and the gas fireplace came on as the room's only heat source. And I thought it was irritating as the night wore on and the fireplace woke us up repeatedly as it blazed into action to heat he room 1-2 degrees before it would cut off and wait to perform its duty again in a few minutes. Interesting. Very interesting ...
Are you Smarter than a 2nd Grader?
Only a few hours into our journey, as we sped east thru sunny Wyoming, we spotted a sign that said:
Road Closed Ahead.
Hmmm. It was so puzzling. What could this sign really mean? After all, we were on I-80. The "I" stands for Interstate. Not the kind of road you can just "close". Especially not on a sunny day in May. Its not like some abominable snowstorm was ravaginging the entire area near Cheyenne preventing ANY alternate routes. We decided the sign must have MEANT to say: Road Closed Ahead, Alternate Provided, and we continued on our merry way.
We remained sure of our conclusion even after being presented with about 10 additional versions of the above sign, all worded differently yet failing to mention an alternate route. Our spirits were not dampened when dark looming clouds hid the sun and snow began to swirl in the air around our van. We didn't lose hope when we started passing truck after truck parkeed by the side of te road - truckers give us so easily, don' they? In fact, we weren't completely clear on the meaning of the sign until we got to the police road block and had to have it explained to us VERY directly. (Did the officer really have to be so rude? Its not like we're idiots - oh wait ...)
Perhaps if we had learned our lesson we would have booked a room in the closest hotel, wated for the storm to pass and continued on the next morning. Instead, we decided to change the world to fit OUR version of reality and back-tracked to find the closest alternate route. 5 hours later as we stared with amazed deja vu at our alternate's "Road Closed Ahead" sign we did what any reasonable person would do. We took the sign at its word, turned the car around, and found the nearest hotel. Horray for a college education.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Sea World - A Vacation from Disneyland
Turtle Talk with Crush
After a quick introduction, Crush singled out audience members to talk to. And who did he pick first? The "mini man" in the front row - aka Braden. He asked Braden his name which Braden stutterred back to him. Crush laughed and stuttered the name back but then used the name correctly from then on. He got Braden to say totally sweet (with took some effort but made the audience go wild). He also asked Braden where his parents were - and when he saw we were sitting right next to Braden, responded “Short leash, man.” Crush answered other questions like if he had any dumb relatives (he talked about his in-laws) and whether he could swim outside his shell (at first he said no, then said he wasn't sure and began trying to do it by pushing against rocks and stretching as hard as he could which had us all rolloing with laughter.) It was one of the highlights of the trip!
Disneyland - Playing with Pluto
After our first long day at Disneyland, we stumbled across Pluto while leaving the park. Since Braden LOVED the characters, he started giggling almost instantly. In no time at all he and Pluto had developed a game where Braden would put his hand in Pluto's mouth and then both of them would laugh hysterically (albiet silently on the part of Pluto). After a few minutes we told Braden that it was time for other kids in the now growing line to have a chance to see Pluto as well. We grabbed his hand to pull him away and someone had a fit. Was it Braden? No - it was Pluto! He must have been infected by Braden's contageous laugh - because he kept pulling Braden back and begging for Braden to keep playing with him. It took us several minutes to convince Pluto that he NEEDED (perhaps because it was his JOB) to give attention to the other kids as well. Needless to say, Pluto is now Braden's favorite Disney character!
Disneyland Vacation
So what did Braden love so much? The family, the characters and the rides:
We went with Braden's Christensen grandparents. We also met up with the Schlepps and Gallis - but weren't smart enough to take pictures with them. We just aren't rocket scientists, are we?
Riding Dumbo with daddy.
Protecting the universe from the evil forces of Zurg - with the help of Grandma dn Grandpa Christensen. (Buzz Lightyear was Braden's favorite ride)
Grandparents are the BEST!
Lynn and Braden - proving that even waiting in a Disneyland line can be the most fun thing ever . . . if you do it with your Grandpa!
Absense Makes the Heart Grow Stranger . . .
Sunday, April 20, 2008
In loving memory of Oso
January 2000 - April 2008