Sunday, June 22, 2008

Disneyland Vacation

In April we decided to take our first Disneyland vacation - and what a great vacation it was! Even though we misjudged Braden's readiness for certain rides/shows, most of the time was an absolute blast. In fact, if it weren't for having caused his new fears of monsters and the dark (perhaps it WASN'T the best idea to take him in the Bugs Life theather where they told him they were gointg to spray him with acid and then let him be devoured by spiders) the trip would have been perfect!

So what did Braden love so much? The family, the characters and the rides:

We went with Braden's Christensen grandparents. We also met up with the Schlepps and Gallis - but weren't smart enough to take pictures with them. We just aren't rocket scientists, are we?

Braden at breakfast with Minnie and friends. The best breaksat we have ever had - possibly because Minnie made the waffles!

Stealing a hug with Donald before anyone had noticed he was there.

Riding Dumbo with daddy.

Protecting the universe from the evil forces of Zurg - with the help of Grandma dn Grandpa Christensen. (Buzz Lightyear was Braden's favorite ride)

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