Sunday, February 22, 2009

Potty Training

Those probably ought to be swear words. My mother in law, the ex police officer, says that if you are going to be an abusive parent, it is bound to rear its head during potty training. (OK that may not be exactly what she said but I bet she would agree at least mostly.) Having failed at my first potty training attempt months ago, I know what sets parents off. At least for me, it was the first time I couldn't just do something we needed to get done. I had to depend on Braden to do it - highlighting my lack of control over his life. (I realize I never had control - but until then I thought I had a little more that I do.)

Now, 3 weeks after Braden decided to try potty training again, the thing that gave me the most grief in the past is the thing making this so sweet. Watching your child succeed on his own - without your control - is awesome. We are almost accident free and he can do almost everything by himself. I could only be happier if he had a littl better aim and/or if my bathroom weren't CARPETED... but hey - you can't have everything, right?


Amy and Mike said...

Try having 4 boys, the aim does get a little better & as always with the men the seat never gets put down..

Jackee said...

Carpet in the bathroom???? I am so sorry. With four boys, I really know the problem with aiming and I would hate having a carpeted bathroom. Will that be changing with the remodel?

Lyne Family said...

Just have him sit down, then aim is not an issue at all. ;) Maybe it's just because Jack is too short to stand up and wee, but he prefers sitting. And it is great when they finally get it.