There are a lot of things to like about Aaron's job but the fact that we get to use a company car for a flat monthly fee has to be one of the best. When Aaron was hired on he didn't get a choice of vehicles - we were just assigned a silver van that someone else had ordered. Originally I was somewhat mortified, but its utility finally won me over. It was great to have so many seats to give everyone rides. I loved how the seats stowed away in seconds to create as much cargo room as we could posssibly want - even enough to transport our full sized couch without leaving the back open.
Well, as these perks come, they also go. The company decided that vans were too expensive (with gas prices and the constant maintenance) so Aaron was asked to turn his in. Now we have a new Dodge Journey. Cute, fun to drive, and even with a built in cooler/warner. But (and I really can't believe I am saying this) it isn't a van.