Sunday, September 21, 2008

Weekend Getaway

This weekend we went to stay at my cousin Danny's home for an evening. Danny and Carrie were the perfect hosts - filling us full of delicious food and providing the best entertainment possible - time to spend catching up with them. We had a great BBQ (with its own fire display), fresh peach cobber, delicious breakfast smoothies and even lunch before we were off. It was so fun to spend time with them and such a lovely drive thru the fall colors of the Logan area canyons on the way there and back. Thanks for the great time!

We forgot our camera so this is my best effort to capture the fire display provided by Danny as dinner entertainment. In actuality, the flame might have been a bit smaller but the BBQ was much more impressive!

1 comment:

Robin @ Bird On A Cake said...

I am missing this time of year in Utah...I love to see the leaves change color in the canyons, and the cooler nights. And I miss seeing you! I sure wish we could come visit you for a few days! We could let the men tend the flaming BBQ and chat while our kids run circles around us.