Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Cailin 10 Months

Cailin finally started walking on Monday, May 24th - still in her 10th month but only by 3 days. We were thrilled. After all - she could already get anywhere she wanted by crawling and standing but now she doesn't get quite as dirty doing it:). Today, a few weeks later, she walks everywhere. Occasionally she even tries to "run" away so that we will chase yer - but she gets so excited that she stiffens up and looks like a Scooby Doo mummy!

In the last month or so she has also become very fond of books. She does like to sit and look at them by herself, but if someone else is around she prefers that they read to her. She will read with Braden or whoever is willing for as long as they can take it.

Cailin contemplating how to get me to ready "That's Not My Puppy" to her.

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