Sunday, March 7, 2010

Cailin Quiz - 8 Months

Babies all develop so differently. You may be anxiously awaiting one milestone only to have your child skip it and move onto another you hadn't expected so soon! See if you can guess what Cailin learned to do this week:

A - Climb a step - enabling her to escape the confines of our sunken livingroom

B - Pull herself up to a standing position using the fireplace ledge

C - Crawl

Ding, Ding, Ding! We have a winner. If you guessed A, B or C you were right!

Cailin 8 Months


DizzyLizzy said...

No! Watch our world!

DizzyLizzy said...

No! It's just not right!

Becky said...

Oh my gosh, Nat, she is so beautiful! I'm sorry she's getting so mobile now--it's so much easier when they stay put! :)

Shelly said...

Natalie-She has the most gorgeous eyes. Your world sounds like mine...trying to get my house organized and going through the milestones of each child, even though my kids are older. Enjoy each all happens too fast!