Sunday, February 21, 2010

10 Years Later

You can tell you have been married 10 years AND have a new baby when...

1 - Your previously idealized anniversary trip to Hawaii turns into the first date you've had in a long time and lasts only 3 hours

2 - You eat cheap Chinese because eating anywhere that doesn't specialize in kids prizes is a HUGE treat!

3 - You spend almost as much time buying running shoes as you do on your real activity which is bowling

4 - You look at the presumably teenagers bowling strikes next to you and wonder if they are old enough to be out without their parents

5 - You finish all this with time to spare so you decide to get dessert in order to not look TOO lame to the babysitters (Grandma and Grandpa)

6 - As you drive home with the kids mostly asleep in the car you smile and think what an amazingly successful evening it was!


Robin @ Bird On A Cake said...

Happy Anniversary! We too treasure those kid free dates...#4 made me laugh!

DizzyLizzy said...

#3 is my favorite. So true.....