Sunday, September 28, 2008


Friday morning I took Braden to Gardener Village to see their halloween decorations. After he rode a poiny, we ate lunch at Archibalds and spent about and hour looking at all of their witches. Of course, when we stopped at the first witch I thought we might be there all day. The witch was attached to the restaurant tower as if she had just crashed into it while flying on her broom. Braden didn't think it was funny or scarry - he was just VERY concerned that she was probably hurt. He demanded we stick around until she fell so we could help her. It took a few minutes but I was fainlly able to explain that when she was ready to come down, there would be a team of people helping her. He was satisfied enough to see the rest of the decorations and I was thrilled to be reminded of what a sweet boy I have!

Braden, sitting-a-spell with a Gardner Village Witch.

The Sleepover Reciprocates

Sarah and Brandon took their turn having Braden sleep over on Friday night. Aaron and I were excited to have some time to ourselves but Braden ... well, lets just say that Christmas pales in comparison. Braden asked me every day whether it was his time to sleep over at Tyler's house. And on Friday, it took him 2 hours to fall asleep for his nap because he know that Auntie Sarah would be there to pick him up when he woke up.

While he was gone, Aaron and I did a corn maze and went out to dinner (brining home fresh salsa - yay!) We ran out of time to sit in the massage chairs at Brookstone (one of my new favorite date activities) but it was still wonderful. And to top it off, when we picked Braden up on Saturday, he told us in no uncertain terms that he wanted us to go away and leave him there. It is so nice knowing that Braden had even more fun than we did! Thanks Auntie Sarah and Uncle Brandon!

Jason Turns 25

Last weekend we celebrated Jason's birthday at Benihana. It was a really fun meal. Jill joined the rest of Aaron's Dad's family and even though it was hard to talk across the table, it was great just to get together and enjoy such delicious food. I sure wich I could cook like that!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Weekend Getaway

This weekend we went to stay at my cousin Danny's home for an evening. Danny and Carrie were the perfect hosts - filling us full of delicious food and providing the best entertainment possible - time to spend catching up with them. We had a great BBQ (with its own fire display), fresh peach cobber, delicious breakfast smoothies and even lunch before we were off. It was so fun to spend time with them and such a lovely drive thru the fall colors of the Logan area canyons on the way there and back. Thanks for the great time!

We forgot our camera so this is my best effort to capture the fire display provided by Danny as dinner entertainment. In actuality, the flame might have been a bit smaller but the BBQ was much more impressive!

The Healing Field

Last Monday we took Braden to the Healing Field. It was sobering to walk thru a field filled with so many flags in perfect rows - reminding us of the lives lost on September 11, 2001.

Just a few of the flags at teh Sandy, Uta Healing Field

Gymbo Turns 2!

Life is full of mysteries - like why Hawaii has "interstate" roads (and why anyone actually reads my blog ...) So it was no real surprise to get an invitation to Gymbo's 2nd birthday party after having attended Gymboree play and music classes for MORE than 2 years now. The irony was completely lost on Braden, however, who enjoyed every minute of it. He bounced down an imaginary huge cangle, jumped into an intertube birthday cake and the "real" Gymbo even gave him a cupcake. I think he has made a friend for life!

Braden and Gymbo. BFF (or at least until the sugar rush was over...)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Braden the Brute

People have joked that Braden lifts weights during his naps. Never have I been more inclined to believe that than yesterday, when I checked on him taking a nap and found he had put his fist thru the wall. For a fraction of a second I was upset with him and wanted to tell lhim to be more careful. But then the absurdity of a 2 year old being able to punch thru the wall hit me. Even stranger was the truth - that our sprinklers had wet the bricks which had sucked the water into the house and moistened his drywall to the point that it would cave in if pushed. Aaron has been busily adjusting our sprinklers and when the bricks dry completely we will fix the gaping hole in the wall that is next to Braden's bed. In the meantime it is covered with plastic and posterboard and Braden has been asked not to hit it very hard :)..

A Room with a View

Like most everyone else, we need more room in our house. We are addressing this a few different ways. First we have been busily dejunking lately which has been great. Aaron sold his old air hockey table, projector, etc and has even taken some loads to the DI of his own volition. In fact, I can't keep up with him!

Second, we have had a contractor come look at our house who will give us some options for adding onto it. When? - we have no idea. He was really prompt to come over and look at the house but that was a few weeks ago and we haven't heard anything since.

Third, we have looked at a few houses to get an idea of what we could get in our price range if we moved. So far nothing is perfect. We saw one with the most amazingly large back yard that backed a nature preserve forest with a stream in it but the house was about as bad as it could get. Then there is the house I am currently in love with. It would meet all of our needs. It has huge windows, a nice backyard (that you can see from the huge kitchen windows). It has a playhouse in the back, a laundry chute, two sinks int he kitchen, a double door entry with no stairs which would be great in case I fall and break my leg again. :) (After all, it is probably just a matter of time ...) It has a covered patio, a deck with hot tub that is just outside the Master Bedroom via french doors. It is also two blocks from a park with a playbround and tennis court. BUT it has a few tragic flasws: a busier street than we like and sloped driveway (very unrealistic in Utah winters). Oh well. I just had to talk about it so you can share my momentary mourning. I will get over it and find another home. But I just have to revel in the heartbreack for a little while :).

Destruction of Tip Tip Dig Dig

Mike and Becca sent Braden the book Tip Tip Dig Dig for his birthday last year. He really loved it and I really liked the artwork. In fact it's cure artwork ended up being the cause of its untimely demise. As I contemplated how to change the wall decor in Braden's room, and saw how expensive anything I could buy would be ... the simple yet fun paintings of that poor little book drifted into my head. And since it was an oversized book, it was large enough to cut down to fit in every frame I had. Sorry Auntie Becca. I hope you take htis as the compliment it truly is! And if you aren't sure what to get Braden for his next birthday, there is a certain book Braden seems to be missing ... :)

Braden's First Sleepover

On Friday, September 12, Braden and Tyler had their first sleepover. Of course it wasn't their idea - we offered to take Tyler so that Sarah and Brandon could have a night off and plan to make this a monthly trade. They played together all night and then actually fell asleep in the same room (though it took about 45 minutes of constant reminders that they were supposed to be quiet and fall asleep). The next day we took them to the Zoo and had Tyler back with Sarah by about noon. (only about 4 hours after she was ready to have him back I think!)

Tyler Tyranasaurus and Braden Brontosaurus on the leopards at the Hogle Zoo Wild Animal Carousel.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Big Boy Bed

It appears that Aaron and I tend to resist change a tini bit. It took us 12 years to get married, 5 more years to have Braden and 2 to take away his "ba-ba." Well, after much delay, we transitioned Braden to a "big boy bed" a few weeks ago and are LOVING it. Our fears that he would roll out in the night never materialized - even without a railing. And he has only tried to get himself "up" when he was supposed to be sleeping once so far.

Decoraing his new room has been a challenge (mostly because I am design-inept) but after ordering the quilt set he chose, it feels like we are going in a fun direction. (Yes - he chose it. I did only offer him two options, both of which I approved of, but he DID choose this one.)

Braden's new captains bed.