Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Curse of the Ware Pager

When you work for a hospital and get urgent pages from places like the ER and operating rooms, losing your pager is bad. Over the years my pager has spent time in my laundry basket, under my bed, in the couch cushions, beneath the seats in my car, in the washing machine and even in the "porcelain express" - sad but true. Each time my mounting tension has only been relieved once I have found the pager and, as necessary, dried it out.

On July 14th I lost my pager - permanently. Aaron decided to go back to school to get an MBA and between his school, work and on call schedules we just couldn't juggle my work and on call schedules too. I knew I would be sad to leave the job I really enjoyed and the wonderful friends I had made at work, but I thought leaving the pager behind would be a piece of cake. Not so. For about a week I panicked every time I realized I wasn't wearing my pager and felt disoriented every morning when my pager wasn't on my bedside table. For about a month I kept trying to remember if I was on call before committing to do things. And today (2 1/2 months later) I saw something small and black and felt the desperate urge to attach it to my hip. Do I like being at home? I think I love it - but I will let you know for certain once I finally feel like I have left my job!

1 comment:

Lyne Family said...

I graduated college 9 years ago about and I still have panic moments waking up thinking that I forgot to do a paper or study for a test. :)